Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fruits of the Spirit

This morning in my quiet time I was reading Galations 5:22-23
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law." NKJV

I was reading from John Maxwell's Leadership Bible (I love it) and he wrote the following:
"Probably the most memorable verses in this book[Galations] are those that list the "fruit of the spirit" ... Every leader should embrace this marvelous list of inward qualities.

  1. Love:  Is my leadership motivated by love for people?
  2. Joy:  Do I exhibit an unshakable joy, regardless of circumstances?
  3. Peace:  Do people see my inward peace and take courage?
  4. Longsuffering:  Do  I wait patiently for results as I develop people or goals?
  5. Kindness:  Am I caring and understanding toward everyone I meet?
  6. Goodness:  Do I want the best for others and for the organization?
  7. Faithfulness:  Have I kept my commitments to the mission?
  8. Gentleness:  Is my strength under control? Can I be both tough and tender?
  9. Self-Control:  Am I disciplined to make progress toward my goals?
 ~John Maxwell : The Maxwell Leadership Bible

As a leader within any organization, church, or home, it is always good to do a checkup on the "fruits" that are evident in our lives.  Great thoughts to start my day, thought they might be good to share :)

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