Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Your tickets are at Will Call ~

Hi, my name is Duane Curry, and I am a Tampa Bay Bucs fan – sorry can’t help it.  I have been since I was kid, a product of growing up in Southwest Florida I guess.  Every season you hold out hope … and most seasons, let’s be honest, don’t quite meet our expectations ~ but I can’t help it, I love football.  This season I was blessed to go the Washington Redskins game for free – Thank you Jesus!  Actually, my brother-in-law, Matt, was given the tickets … so gotta thank him too.

Game day came, and we headed to the stadium.  Not being extremely familiar with parking at the stadium, we parked on the opposite side of the stadium in relation to our entrance Gate.  The line was slightly ridiculous, but who was I to complain ~ the tickets were free!  I was anxious to get in and watch the game and after waiting in line for what seemed like forever, the moment of truth arrived.  We handed our tickets over and … “I’m sorry, something is wrong, let me get my supervisor.”

Instantly my heart sank.  My mind was racing ~ we aren’t the season ticket holders!  Our friends gave them to us, but without the right ID they won’t let us in!  What are we gonna do?  The game is starting in less than 20 minutes!

The Supervisor came back, “Sorry, you are going to have to go to Will Call and talk with someone there” – uggh!  So we made the trek to the other side of the stadium (the side where we parked) and waited in another slightly more ridiculous line.  In the meantime we had called the ticket owners, they provided us with information to validate the tickets if needed, which gave us a bit more confidence. 

While we waited in line for Will Call, we got to “experience” a frustrated crowd awaiting their tickets for the 4:15 game, some of which had been enjoying a few too many adult beverages during the wait – reminded me of days gone by ~ thank you Jesus for showing me a different way for my life … haha.  Best part was almost getting in the middle of a fight (literally, guys on either side of us) - thankfully just moments before fists went flying, police arrived to escort the gentlemen to a “different” line.  I had visions of the morning headline, “Local pastor arrested in drunken brawl” – fun times!

We got to the front of the line, explained the situation, and provide authentication from the ticket owners … and in 30 seconds, had tickets in hand.  Once we proved our “right” to the tickets we were given access immediately.  I had questioned our ability to go to the game, because I wasn’t confident in our “right” to go.  I wasn’t sure if the tickets we had were valid ~ since I hadn’t paid for them.  I wonder how closely my experience with a football game, resembles those of us with “tickets” to heaven?

If I had to guess, I think many of us question whether our “tickets” to heaven are good.  If the choices I have made have somehow invalidated their worth?  That simply isn’t the case.  The Bible says I will never leave you nor forsake you ~ That I will forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness.  My prayer for you today is that you would not lose your confidence in Christ ~ that you are a son or daughter of the most high God, and your tickets are definitely good!
My other prayer is for those yet to claim their tickets ~ the real owner, Jesus Christ, has bought and paid for them with a price, all we have to do is accept His free gift. Jesus said, “ I am the way, the truth, and the life – no one comes to the Father except through me”.  Are your tickets still at Will Call?  If so, they are only a prayer away ~

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What are your family traditions?

We have a tradition surrounding Thanksgiving in my house that involves eating, shopping, and decorating.  After our bellies are full on “Turkey Day” we enjoy each other’s company and the ladies begin planning their annual shopping spree for Black Friday.  The papers are spread across the couch with deals in every store ~ the plan begins to unfold.  What stores do they hit, what time are they meeting, and where.  The guys on the other hand are either smarter than that, or just not cool enough to be invited along (I'll let you decide.)  Actually, I have other plans for Black Friday.  With the girls exhausted from Midnight shopping, I am left to decorate the exterior of the house, get the Christmas tree’s (in-laws and ours) and prep them for evening decorating.   This year was no exception.  As evening approached, we got as far as putting the Christmas lights on the tree, but the girls couldn’t last any longer and off to bed they went.

We have a typical hierarchy of tree decorating – I get the top (tallest of the bunch), Ciara gets the middle, and Samantha has the bottom.  Samantha isn’t always excited about her relegation to the bottom of the tree ~ but it works.  Not sure how this works out, but Lisa supervises (again, she is smarter than I). So, in an effort to expedite the process, I started in their absence.  I began to decorate the top of the tree, pulling the “breakable” ornaments and using them first ~ so as to leave the others for the girls.

And as I placed this ornament on our tree, I couldn’t escape the “tradition” that I held in my hand.  I am the product of a Disney loving Grandmother – “Rebe” is her name.  My childhood is filled with memories of Mickey Mouse “everything” in her house:  watches, ornaments, golf balls ~ you name it, she had it.  Which made it easy at Christmas – if it had Mickey on it, it was a perfect gift for Rebe.  A few years ago, she decided to split her ornament collection amongst her eldest grandsons – primarily because we probably gave the majority to her.  I have close to a dozen ornaments from her collection, and I’m not sure, but this may be the oldest I have. 

For a moment I was overwhelmed.  To be honest, even as I write this I am fighting back tears of admiration for my grandmother.  GG Rebe (great grandma now) has had in incredible influence in my life.  My cousin Scott (oldest grandchild) and I (favorite grandchild) have talked several times of how fortunate we are to be in a family such as ours.  And how special we are to have a “Rebe” in our lives ~ not everyone has that luxury.  If I had to assign a “life-verse” for my Grandmother Rebe, several come to mind, but not sure any one characterizes her better even now, than this:

1Cor 13:3 “And now these three remain:  faith, hope and love.  But the greatest of these is love.”

Love - thank you GG Rebe, for passing down the best “family tradition” one could hope for ~

Friday, November 16, 2012

In a room, listening to God

Recently I attended a conference regarding online ministry in Dallas, Tx and had a great time learning from and hanging out with people across our country doing things for God that I am only beginning to explore at Bayside Community Church.  And as much as I valued my time there ~ I am completely confident I was there for another reason all together.  On the first night we had the opportunity to worship and hear a message by Todd Phillips, one of the teaching pastors at Lake Pointe church where the conference was held.  And he shared this “some of you thought you were coming to Texas for online ministry, but God brought you here to hear this message tonight” ~ He couldn’t have been more accurate.

For the next 30 minutes I couldn’t write fast enough as God used Todd to speak directly to me ~ about areas of my relationship with Him that I had neglected and areas I needed to emphasize immediately.  I don’t yet know the full impact of what God shared with me through Todd ~ but I have already seen the fruits in my family, in my relationships, and in my quiet time with Him.  So I decided to write some of the points down, if for no other reason but to be obedient to God, since I feel He is prompting me to do so ~ and for the 2 followers who I convinced to subscribe to my periodic ramblings :)

Todd’s primary point was the value and necessity of spending time alone with God ~ something every Christian is sure to know, even more so when you are a pastor.  But the difference in knowledge and application ~ well, we all know a lot of things that we should do, but simply don’t.  For me, spending time with God – intentional time, soul making time, time for God to speak to me and not be interrupted by my need to tell him what to do for me ~ that practice had fallen to the wayside of life.  As I was contemplating this, I felt like God was whispering to me, “What are you modeling?”

As a father, and husband ~ I have no greater responsibility than to shepherd my family well. Beyond providing a secure environment, or physical place to lay our heads ~ my greatest responsibility is the spiritual leader of my household.  I could lead thousands of people to Christ, train future pastors and leaders, and effectively change the spiritual climate of my world ~ and yet it would amount to nothing for me if I arrived in heaven without my family.  As much as I love people, and I do ~ they don’t hold a candle to my wife, and two daughters.  And I realized that I had not been modeling a life that reflected spending quality time, alone time, with God.  And I cried …

But I do that often.  I tell people all the time I am the biggest cry baby on staff at Bayside.  I cried because I had been modeling a life reflecting “works” rather than “relationship”.  I was “doing” all kinds of things for God, but I am not a Human “doing”, and I am a Human “being”.  God was and is calling me simply to “be”.  On top of that, the time I was spending with God ~ wasn’t being seen by my wife, or my kids.  I was doing it late at night, after they had all gone to bed.  In other words, it wasn’t being modeled.  And as I write this even now, God is encouraging me to be more intentional about my quiet time with Him.  I have so much more from that single night ~ in a room listening to God, through the voice of Todd Phillips.   And I’m sure future posts will be birthed, but for today this is my question for you:

What are you modeling?
Is your relationship with God public?  Are you worshiping Him in such a way that others can see you, and emulate you?  Are you being vulnerable with your family? Friends? Co-workers? So much so that they can see not only how much you love God, but also how much God loves you?  It is true that God is “always watching” – but even more importantly for me, so are my kids :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Five Finger Prayer

As a parent, I have struggled for several years to get my kids to engage in meaningful prayer.  Both my daughters understand the value of prayer, but getting them to pray outloud with continuity of thought … well, that’s another story.  And then I heard Pastor Burnard Scott share the Five Finger prayer ~ what a valuable tool for kids and adults alike  :)

Simple to use, simple to follow, and it goes like this:

Thumb:  Friends and Family
Since this the closest finger to you, it represents those closest to you.

Pointer Finger:  Preachers and Teachers
Imagine your teacher shaking their finger at you to help you remember.  We pray for our teachers to provide wisdom for our kids, etc.  And we pray our pastors, priests, church leaders, etc.

Middle Finger:  Authority Figures
This finger being the tallest, represents those with the most authority in our lives.  Presidents, Governors, Politicians, Military, Policemen, Firemen, Mayor, etc.  For your kids – Principle, Vice- Principle, etc.  And when you don’t like a politician, just hold your hand up, and “pray” for them J

Ring Finger:  Weak among you
The ring finger is the weakest finger on your hand, so it represents those weakest among you.  The homeless, the hurting, those in need, of healing, people in the hospital, etc.

Pinkie Finger:  Yourself
This is the smallest and last finger on your hand, and it represents when you should pray for yourself.  Pray for everyone else first, and then bring your needs to God.

The Palm:  the lost
Remember the song “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands”?  Take your hand, turn it palm up.   We pray for all those who don’t know God – the “whole world”.

Example Prayer:
“Father thank you for my friends and family.  God I ask that you protect them and provide for their needs, keep them healthy and free from harms way.   Lord I pray for my kids teachers, that they provide wisdom and guidance during the day.  I lift up the pastors of my church, keep their families safe and provide for all their needs.  God, thank you for our country and our leaders.  Protect our military – bring them home safe.  Thank you for the safety and protection our Firemen and Policemen provide for us.  God direct and guide our government officials.  Lord I pray for the weak among us – provide for them, heal those who are hurting and in need of your physical touch.  Provide for those less fortunate than myself, help me see people as you see them God.  Father, help me to be obedient to your word.  I have needs, but you know them and will bless me exceedingly abundantly according to your word when I follow your commands.  God I pray for the lost – those who don’t know You.  I pray they get to experience the loving relationship that I have with You.  In Jesus name, Amen!

I encourage you  to try it for you yourself, try it with your kids ~ if you were looking for a “jump start” in your prayer life, this will help :)

For the video message of Pastor Burnard, click HERE


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Who is in your camp?

I resigned to writing this blog, because I have been unsuccessful in my attempts to get videos loaded through facebook for my online small group.  So here goes :)

Key Verses:  Numbers 11:4 & Mark 5:37-40

In Numbers 11, we are following the people of Israel on their journey to the promised land.  And as with any extended family trips, tension exists among the people.  The people are complaining about the conditions – Why do we have to eat manna?  How much farther is it?  Daddy, tell my sister to stop it! (sorry, personal interjection there)

And God hears the complaints, gets frustrated, and starts burning people up (so glad we live in New Testament days!)  The people cry out to Moses for help, he intercedes on their behalf, and God stops.  Then in verse 4, the “rabble” (foreigners from Egypt) among them start complaining again – oh the food in Egypt was so much better!  And then the Israelites join in again!  (God later gives them different food, and basically kills them with it to prove a point)

In Mark chapter 5, Jesus no sooner arrives in town, when Jairus comes to him for help – his daughter is dying and needs healing.  So Jesus agrees to go with him ~ along the way, Jesus is delayed doing ministry (story of the woman with bleeding condition touching his garment and healed due to her Faith) and his daughter dies.  Someone from the house of Jairus comes and says no need to bother the Teacher, your daughter has died.

In vs 36, Jesus said, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”  And he did something interesting.  He allowed only Peter, James, and John to come with him.  When he arrived at the house, he saw all the commotion and said “she is not dead, she is sleeping”.  They laughed at him … so he kicked them out of the house.  The only people who stayed, were Mom & Dad, and Jesus and the 3 he brought with him.  And he spoke to the girl to get up, and she did.

See Jesus understood that it DOES matter who you surround yourself with.  So ... Who is in your camp?  Are you surrounded with people who are constantly bringing you down?  Reminding you of what used to be, and how better it was, and can’t seem to find the joy in today?  All they can focus on is the circumstances in front of them, but can’t remember ANY of God’s miracles that have led them to where they are?  Or do you have people in your life encouraging you, praying with you, speaking life into you?  Which person are you?

I encourage you today to take a look around your camp.  Do you have some “rabble” that needs to be removed?  Do you have people that need to be “kicked out” of your inner circle and replaced with people who will support you, pray for you, and encourage you?  I’m not saying you need to sever all your relationships, but I would encourage you to check into who you are allowing to influence your thoughts and decisions.  Sounds like Mom was right – your friends do determine your future :) Perhaps it’s time you finally joined  a small group!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Everyone needs a "Jethro"

I remember how ironic I thought it was that Moses’ father in law was named Jethro ~ a name I do not associate with wisdom, in fact far from it.  I think of “Jethro” as one of the Beverly Hillbilly’s characters, without a lick of sense really :)  But that is not the case at all ~

In Exodus, chapter 18, Jethro hears about all that God is doing through his son-in-law Moses and comes to see him.  Moses welcomed him, and shared all that God was doing in his life.  As Jethro observed Moses in his daily routine, he offered him advice to help him be a more effective leader.  In verse 17, he laid out foundational leadership principles that are in effect throughout every successful organization I have ever been a part of – and Moses listened.

Everyone needs a “Jethro” in their life.  We all need people who support us, who recognize what God is doing in our lives, and who want to see us be successful.  Jethro was a priest himself – so he understood leadership, and he understood and valued what God was doing in Moses.  So he gave him good advice – direct and to the point “what you are doing in not good” (v17) “Listen … I will give you some advice” (v19).

Moses valued Jethro.  He allowed him to speak into his life … and Moses was better for it.  Maybe you don’t currently have a “Jethro” in your life ~ observing and offering wisdom.  Maybe you need someone that you trust, that will give you Godly advice, and help you identify the blind spots in your life.  If you don’t, I think of what Pastor Rick Bezet (Pastor Randy’s brother) shared with our staff once.  He said “I have never had a mentor come and ask if they could mentor me, I sought them out.”

My prayer for you is simple:  If you don’t have a “Jethro” – seek one out.  If you do, I pray you listen.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Props to Jennifer Hudson ~

I was so impressed with Jennifer Hudson this week with her tribute to the late great Whitney Houston.  See sang “I Will Always Love You” with incredible poise and passion … with much of the world watching.  Who woulda thought?

It was only a few years ago, that this voice was brought to the American public via the stage of American Idol.  And even there, her fans were not strong enough to propel her into the final stages of the competition – she left in 7th place.  Imagine what that must have been like for her?  So close, and yet, so far away from pursuing the dream that she had to sing ~

Of course it wasn’t long after that she got over the loss with a starring role alongside Beyonce in Dreamgirls, where she later took home an Oscar for her outstanding performance.  She won a Grammy for her debut album “Jennifer Hudson” and now here she was … singing good-bye to Whitney.  Imagine if she had quit when she failed to make the finals?  Imagine if she had thrown in the towel when her “dream” was not realized?

How often does God give us vision and passion for something and it doesn’t turn out the way we expect it to?  In those moments do you continue to pursue God and go after the vision He has given you … or do you quit, and give up?  Romans 8:28 says “all things work to good” NOT all things ARE good :)

Jennifer Hudson sang good-bye to one her idols this week … so many could have been on that stage … but Jennifer was the one who got the call, while the world watched ~

Friday, February 10, 2012

"Why" ~ ready to explain the reason

This morning I had the privilege of listening to my 247 “daughter” Tori Browning give her last “message” of her 247 career.  My family has been blessed to have Tori live with us for 2 ½ years of her time in the 247 program – so proud of her!  And so I thought I’d share some of her thoughts with you today ~

1 Kings 10:2 -3

King Solomon is the known as the wisest man to ever live – people from all over the world would come to seek his wisdom and advice.  God granted him a wish for any one thing – and Solomon asked for wisdom.   In 1 Kings 10:2 – the Queen of Sheba came to talk with Solomon about all “she had on her mind”

The “What’s”
People see “what” we do all the time.  Your kids imitate you, the people you have influence with - they want to be like you, or sometimes, you serve as a warning of “what” not to do.   Our “What’s” are being watched – is there purpose behind “what” you do?

“If you can’t be a good example, then you’ll just be a horrible warning”  -Unknown

The “Why’s”
Be ready to explain “why” you do the “what” – In verse 3, it says Solomon “answered all her questions; nothing was too hard for the king to explain to her.”  Do you know why you do what you do?  Are you ready to explain to people why?  Can you explain the value in the things you believe in?  That you are passionate about?

If you cannot explain the “Why”, then Why would anyone ever want to follow?

When Jesus died on the cross – he knew the “Why”.  When he was spit upon, tortured, beaten, nailed to the cross, and later died … he knew the “Why”.  As he died, it wasn’t his life that flashed before his eyes … it was a picture of your face, of mine, of our families, of the people we love, and the people we don’t so much care about … Jesus knew his Why … it was all for you ~

P.S.  – Tori Browning, you are an amazing woman of God – our family is blessed to have gotten to share 2 ½ years with you … I look forward to see what God does through you in years to come ~

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

God's got your back!

Exodus 13:21 & 14:19
So this year I have decided to read the Bible via Youversion‘s Chronological reading plan.  And in the spirit of transparency, my recent trip to Disney got me behind on my reading … I know, bad Pastor.  Oh well, “confess your sins one to another” right?

Okay … so in Exodus we have the story of Moses leading his people out of the land of Egypt and into the promised land, and Pharoah agrees to let his people go, but then changes his mind and chases after them.  The Egyptian army overtakes the Israelites at the Red Sea, and then God splits the sea, and Moses walks through on dry land, and the Egyptians get killed in the Sea.  Cool story about God’s will and protection.

See in Exodus 13:21 you have God providing the Israelites guidance and direction as a “pillar of cloud” by day, and a “pillar of fire” by night.  And in Ex 14:19, the “angel of God” moves from guiding in the front, to standing in between the approaching armies of Egypt and provides protection - He had their back! What a great illustration of God’s guidance and protection in our lives. He's got our back.  God is out front of us guiding and directing each step, day and night.  And when necessary, He moves to defend us in times of need.

My prayer for you today is that you are in God’s will - that you seek His guidance and direction day and night. And in so doing, you would have His Divine protection in all areas of you life.  Who else better than God to protect our backs?

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Stuck in Haran

Many of us are familiar with the story of Abraham (Abram) -- how God sent him to the land Canaan (Gen 12) and said "I will make you into a great nation and bless you" (v2).  And later He changed his name from Abram to "Abraham" (Gen 17:5) meaning "Father of many nations".  But what about his father Terah?  Not much is written about him ...

(Genesis 11:27-32)

Terah had 3 sons(v27), Abram(later known as Abraham), Nahor, and his first born Haran.  Haran died, presumably an early death, because he was survived by his father.  Later, Terah decided to pack up half the family and head to Canaan (v31) taking his son Abram, daughter-in-law Sarai, and grandson Lot (born to Haran).  But somewhere along the way, he stopped.  He never made it to Canaan, but instead settled in a place he named Haran.
"Terah lived for 205 years and died while still in Haran." (Gen 11:32) NLT

That phrase stood out to me - "still in Haran", as if he died in a place he shouldn't have.  As if, he should have already moved on, but instead was "still" there.  When my wife calls me and I say "I'm still at work", that means I'm there, but I probably should have already left.  I'm in a place where I was supposed to be for a time, but now I should be somewhere else.  And I believe that was the case for Terah.  I believe God wanted him to go to the promised land of Canaan, but he couldn't do it.  Why?  Because he never got over the loss of his son.  He was never able to move past that hurt and pain of losing his son.  And in so doing, never truly experienced the fullness of God's blessing. 

I believe many of us are living lives just like Terah.  God has given us a vision, something to head towards, but something in our past is preventing us from getting there.  Perhaps you've experienced tragedy, or something unthinkable was done to you as a child, or adult, or maybe you simply have been distracted by other things -- and rather than living in the fullness of God's blessing, you have settled just short of it.

My prayer for you today is that you find freedom in Christ.  That you bring your burdens, fears, hurts and distractions ... all to the cross, and leave them there.   "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light"  (Math 11:30)  And that today you would no longer be "Stuck in Haran".

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What can man do to me?

As we at Bayside participate in the 21 days of prayer and fasting ( , I had the pleasure of leading prayer for day 11 of the fast.  The devotional reading for the day was Psalm 56 and 57.

As I read through the psalms, I had a new picture of David, that of a songwriter.  I have always referred to David as somewhat schizophrenic in jest, because he starts so many psalms seeming to complain about God not being there, for abandoning him, etc... but he would always end it with something like "but I will praise Him anyway".  I believe that is why Bible refers to him as a "man after God's own heart" because David was honest with God about his emotions - he didn't hold anything back

Growing up, I watched and listened to my mother write song after song over the years.  She is a talented singer/songwriter in her spare time, and has been writing songs as a creative outlet for as long as I can remember.  I can still hear her going line by line, editing, picking words and phrases that are just right, to communicate her thoughts and emotions.  For someone who was not given that gift, I can honestly say I am both envious and extremely proud of my mom at the same time.

In these two psalms, David has written both to popular tunes of the day, an indication he wanted people to remember and sing.  I picture a talented songwriter, going over the words line by line, so that you and I could remember what he wrote:

Psalm 56

10 In God, whose word I praise,
in the Lord, whose word I praise—

11 in God I trust; I will not be afraid.
What can man do to me? 

My prayer for you today, is that regardless of what people may say of you, think of you, act toward you ... that you would praise God, trust God, and let Him take of the rest.  Because if God is for us, who can be against us? Rom 8:31