Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Who is in your camp?

I resigned to writing this blog, because I have been unsuccessful in my attempts to get videos loaded through facebook for my online small group.  So here goes :)

Key Verses:  Numbers 11:4 & Mark 5:37-40

In Numbers 11, we are following the people of Israel on their journey to the promised land.  And as with any extended family trips, tension exists among the people.  The people are complaining about the conditions – Why do we have to eat manna?  How much farther is it?  Daddy, tell my sister to stop it! (sorry, personal interjection there)

And God hears the complaints, gets frustrated, and starts burning people up (so glad we live in New Testament days!)  The people cry out to Moses for help, he intercedes on their behalf, and God stops.  Then in verse 4, the “rabble” (foreigners from Egypt) among them start complaining again – oh the food in Egypt was so much better!  And then the Israelites join in again!  (God later gives them different food, and basically kills them with it to prove a point)

In Mark chapter 5, Jesus no sooner arrives in town, when Jairus comes to him for help – his daughter is dying and needs healing.  So Jesus agrees to go with him ~ along the way, Jesus is delayed doing ministry (story of the woman with bleeding condition touching his garment and healed due to her Faith) and his daughter dies.  Someone from the house of Jairus comes and says no need to bother the Teacher, your daughter has died.

In vs 36, Jesus said, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”  And he did something interesting.  He allowed only Peter, James, and John to come with him.  When he arrived at the house, he saw all the commotion and said “she is not dead, she is sleeping”.  They laughed at him … so he kicked them out of the house.  The only people who stayed, were Mom & Dad, and Jesus and the 3 he brought with him.  And he spoke to the girl to get up, and she did.

See Jesus understood that it DOES matter who you surround yourself with.  So ... Who is in your camp?  Are you surrounded with people who are constantly bringing you down?  Reminding you of what used to be, and how better it was, and can’t seem to find the joy in today?  All they can focus on is the circumstances in front of them, but can’t remember ANY of God’s miracles that have led them to where they are?  Or do you have people in your life encouraging you, praying with you, speaking life into you?  Which person are you?

I encourage you today to take a look around your camp.  Do you have some “rabble” that needs to be removed?  Do you have people that need to be “kicked out” of your inner circle and replaced with people who will support you, pray for you, and encourage you?  I’m not saying you need to sever all your relationships, but I would encourage you to check into who you are allowing to influence your thoughts and decisions.  Sounds like Mom was right – your friends do determine your future :) Perhaps it’s time you finally joined  a small group!

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